Wednesday 9 February 2011

Practice - Induction Task

After learning all the conventions that would be needed to create a trailer of my own, I was put into a group to produce a trailer from the film 'The Omen' which we was watched during 2 of our lessons (see poster to the right).
Creating the trailer meant not using a simple Windows program such as Windows Movie Maker, we had to use a Mac (Apple branded computer) and using the program Final Cut Pro to create the trailer.
I have used Final Cut Pro before to create a short film, so that gives me an advantage when it comes to creating a simple 2 minute trailer, piecing together the best bits of the film, being careful not to reveal too much.
In the end, We were only able to create a trailer that was about a minute and 20 seconds long, however we were aiming for something that was two minutes long, so the trailer wasn't finished. We had the beginning and the middle of the trailer done, but we hadn't started the end. This was due to poor time management skills, along with poor communication skills. I will take the skills that I have learned here onto my main task and hope that poor time management and communication skills do not become my downfall again.

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