Monday, 16 May 2011

Change from Original Idea

After gaining some feedback on our current progress, we decided to change our current idea a bit by getting rid of a few scenes and adding some much better scenes into our trailer. We decided to do this to make sure that we were hitting our primary target audience of teenagers/young 20s. So we went with this:

  1. Random flashes of moments in the film. - Start

  2. Flashback of a party scene with the main protagonist.

  3. Shots of empty rooms and corridors.

  4. Protagonist wakes up in from of a computer in an empty room.

  5. He gets up and tries to find people (flash of him running in a forest)

  6. He looks around the room he's in to find no-one (flash of the killers running)

  7. He looks up a set of stairs to see if it's safe for him to be there.

  8. Protagonist walks through a corridor (flash of him running down a hill)

  9. He tries to open a door but fails.

  10. He runs through a corridor with flickering lights (flash of him hiding in a room and then being chased upstairs)

  11. Quick flashes of the protagonist being chased.

  12. The killers running past the protagonist in the forest (flash of a blade running against a wall)

  13. Quick close up flashes on specific parts of the body or of a blade.

  14. A killer looking for the protagonist in the forest (quick flash)

  15. The protagonist stops (we don't know why)

  16. Title of the film is shown - Finish

The group thought our new idea fitted in more with Todorov's narrative theory of equilibrium (equilibrium - disruption - recognition - action - new equilibrium) Another theory my group are using is Propps where there are up to 8 different types of characters seen in a film, which our trailer includes at least 2 of.

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