Monday 16 May 2011

Possible Camera Shots and Movements to use

OTS (Over The Shoulder shot)

Looking from behind a person at a subject.

CU (Close Up)

A certain part or feature is shown on the frame. But nothing beyond seeing the full face or full object.

Cut In
Shows another part of a subject in detail.

ECU (Extreme Close Up)

Just like a close up, but in more details where specific parts are shown.

EWS (Extreme Wide shot)Also known as an establishing shot which can set the scene.

MCU (Medium Close Up)

Half way between a Mid shot and a Close Up.

MS (Mid shot)

Shows some part of the subject, in more detail.

POV (Point Of View shot)

Shows something from the subjects perspective.

VWS (Very Wide shot)

The subject is barely visible, with emphasis being on the environment mainly.

Weather shot

The subject is only the weather, used for background images etc.

WS (Wide shot)

The subject takes up the full frame or as much as possible that is comfortable.

Every shot here is something my group considered when it came to filming our trailer.

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